Watch Full Serena in HD Quality
Now you can play full Serena in high definition format with duration 102 Min and was released on 2014-10-12 with MPAA rating is 67.- Original Title : Serena
- Movie title in your country : Serena
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-10-12
- Companies of movie : 2929 Productions, Nick Wechsler Productions, Chockstone Pictures,
- Countries of movie : Czech Republic, France, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 102 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.4
- Youtube ID of movie : lITvFNhoxek
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,PT,IT,ES,RU,HE,EL,HU,NL,DA,FI,SV,
- Actors of movie :Jennifer Lawrence (Serena Pemberton), Bradley Cooper (George Pemberton), Rhys Ifans (Galloway), Toby Jones (Sheriff McDowell), Blake Ritson (Lowenstein), Sean Harris (Campbell), Sam Reid (Vaughn), Kim Bodnia (Abe Hermann), Ana Ularu (Rachel), Charity Wakefield (Agatha), David Dencik (Buchanan), Ned Dennehy (Ledbetter), Christian McKay (Banker in Boston), Mark O'Neal (Lumberjack), Jim High (Wood Cutter), Bodil Jørgensen (Mrs. Sloan), Michael Ryan (Coldfield)
Movie synopsis of Serena :
Free Serena in Best Quality with movie plot "North Carolina mountains at the end of the 1920s – George and Serena Pemberton, love-struck newly-weds, begin to build a timber empire. Serena soon proves herself to be equal to any man: overseeing loggers, hunting rattle-snakes, even saving a man’s life in the wilderness. With power and influence now in their hands, the Pembertons refuse to let anyone stand in the way of their inflated love and ambitions. However, once Serena discovers George’s hidden past and faces an unchangeable fate of her own, the Pemberton’s passionate marriage begins to unravel leading toward a dramatic reckoning." in High Quality Video. Full Streaming Serena in High Definition Format by clicking the download link.
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Director : Susanne Bier, Writer : Christopher Kyle, Novel : Ron Rash, Editor : Pernille Bech Christensen, Editor : Simon Webb, Producer : Ben Cosgrove, Producer : Susanne Bier, Set Decoration : Graeme Purdy, Producer : Paula Mae Schwartz, Music : Johan Söderqvist, Editor : Matthew Newman, Producer : Todd Wagner, Producer : Steve Schwartz, Producer : Ron Halpern, Casting : Jina Jay, Producer : Nick Wechsler, Production Design : Richard Bridgland, Set Costumer : Alena Koucka, Script Supervisor : Morag Cameron, Costume Design : Signe Sejlund, Supervising Art Director : Martin Kurel, Unit Publicist : Claudia Kalindjian, Director of Photography : Morten Søborg
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Tags: corruption, sheriff, mountains, wilderness, ambition, north carolina, marriage, debt, empire, hunting, logging, woman director, 1920s, murder,
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