Play Full Madame Bovary in High Quality Video
Now you can download full Madame Bovary in top quality with duration 118 Min and was published in 2014-08-30 and MPAA rating is 7.- Original Title : Madame Bovary
- Movie title in your country : Madame Bovary
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-08-30
- Companies of movie : A Company Filmproduktionsgesellschaft, Aleph Motion Pictures, Aden Film,
- Countries of movie : Belgium, Germany, United States of America,
- Language of movie : Latin, English, Français,
- Durationof movie : 118 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.1
- Youtube ID of movie : La-clCmfWGo
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,CS,ES,TR,RU,RO,ZH,PT,NL,FR,EL,
- Actors of movie :Mia Wasikowska (Emma Bovary), Ezra Miller (Leon Dupuis), Laura Carmichael (Henriette), Henry Lloyd-Hughes (Charles Bovary), Paul Giamatti (Monsieur Homais), Rhys Ifans (Monsieur Lheureux), Logan Marshall-Green (The Marquis), Richard Cordery (L'Abbe Bournisien), Luke Tittensor (Hippolyte), Morfydd Clark (Camille), Olivier Gourmet (Monsieur Rouault)
Movie plot of Madame Bovary :
Best Madame Bovary in Best Look with movie summary "The classic story of Emma Bovary, the beautiful wife of a small-town doctor in 19th century France, who engages in extra marital affairs in an attempt to advance her social status." in high quality. Best Madame Bovary in High Quality Video by visiting the download link.
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Director : Sophie Barthes, Writer : Felipe Marino, Writer : Sophie Barthes, Novel : Gustave Flaubert, Producer : Sophie Barthes, Producer : Jaime Mateus-Tique, Producer : Joe Neurauter, Original Music Composer : Evgueni Galperine, Original Music Composer : Sacha Galperine, Cinematography : Andrij Parekh, Production Design : Benoît Barouh, Costume Design : Christian Gasc, Costume Design : Valérie Ranchoux
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Tags: period piece, social status, woman director, extramarital affair,
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